I have been a Radiologic Technologist since 2001. . I have been taking images of people's insides for so long I wanted to try my hand at taking pictures of the outside too! I kept waiting for downtime or for my kids to not need me as much, but that never came so I decided to just go for it anyways. The opportunity presented itself to me last fall and I took a giant leap of faith by accepting a wedding as my first job as a photographer! My husband, Derek, and I have been together since 2000 and we married in 2002. Our son, Adam, was born in 2005 and is now a freshman. Our daughter, Lauren, was born in 2012. In 2015, we moved to Florida for 22 months and missed our home. We have been Indiana's biggest fans since returning in 2017.
After taking images of people insides as a Radiologic Technologist for 19 years, I've started taking photos of the outsides too!