Practice originated in Brownsburg Indiana in 1982 and has gradually grown to its current location and size. We now have 2 eye doctors, Dr. David Bogan and Dr. Stephanie Curts.
High Quality Professional Vision Care We are pleased to welcome you to our practice. Our Doctors and staff treat each patient with high quality professional vision care and customer service. We invite you to visit our practice of Optometry and look forward to serving your complete eyecare needs. Comprehensive eye examinations, glaucoma and cataract diagnosis and (non-surgical) management, complete contact lens care, fashion eyewear and optical services, and laser refractive surgery co-management. We feature state-of-the-art examination equipment as well as full digital photodocumentation, visual field testing, corneal topography & pachymetry, and our new high-definition Cirrus OCT retinal & glaucoma scanning instrument. We participate with VSP, Medicare, and Aetna, Anthem, Optum Health Vision, EyeMed, United Healthcare, Sagamore, and others. Check with our staff if you have other types of coverage.