Massage is not just one thing, and it should not be defined as such. We all have different needs, some need a deeper pressure, others need a sports massage while some require a gentle relaxing massage. All of the above are important to us, so we make a massage treatment tailored to you personally, at times it can transcend all types of speciality massages in one, without making you pay extra. Why should you have to pay extra because your body is a little different from the next client? We also include Himalayan hot salt stones with all our treatments, without making you pay extra for what we feel is a necessity. You see we believe, that a really good massage is in the subtlies, the gentle soft caresses in between a deep tissue stroke, a chocolate on your headrest before you begin, tea, wine, juice or water to drink before or after. You are our most important client. We namely specialize in YOU. This is