The business was originally started by four couples. We all enjoy good wine, good food and good friends. The topic of starting a business often came up. We fell in love with the Jarvis Square neighborhood in Rogers Park. The next thing I remember is being up a ladder with a paintbrush in hand. It took us a good while to open our doors, all kinds of zoning type issues. It was well worth the wait. We have the best customers in the world...folks in the neighborhood couldnt be more supportive.
We at Taste Food and Wine try to remove the mystery often associated with wine. We have some wonderful affordable wines, you really can get a very nice bottle of cabernet for $9.99...honestly. We host free weekly wine tastings on Monday & Friday, 6:00pm-7:30pm. This provides a wonderful opportunity for our customers to try before they buy. Gormet foods also featured, including European chocolate..delish.