Dr. Lacey has been in private practice since September 1994. She holds a Bachelors of Science in Human Biology, Doctorate of Chiropractic, licensed Acupuncturist, Diplomate in Acupuncture and is Board Certified. She graduated from National University of Health Sciences in December 1993. Her husband Dr. Tony Pendolino practices in Plainfield, they have two children and live in Naperville.
Chiropractic care treats & prevents illness and pain by treating the musculo-skelatal system with special focus on the spine. Correcting spinal joint dysfunction allows your body to heal itself via the nervous system. The spinal cord is the gateway to the nervous system which allows the entire body to communicate with itself and maintain function. Healthy Spine = Healthy Life. Chiropractic adjustments make change in your body rather than covering up pain and systems with drugs (which we will all know have dangerous side effects). Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat all kinds of ailments. It is safe, cost effective and provides patient relief without dangerous side effects. Vital energy and/or Life Force called Qi (pronounced