While working as a therapist in crisis and trauma, my clients were not making the forward movement within their lives that I was happy about. I was seeking to provide holistic services that would allow clients to heal, move forward within their life and fall in love with living again. The system was very limited and many times cutting edge, individualized treatment was not recognized. Treatment that had success rates of up to 97%! I could not provide the services that would help my clients move forward and I knew there was a better way to provide holistic services, so I moved away from the traditional therapy model and into the holistic healing model. I now work with amazing women who are making huge progress within their lives. Women who have worked through the anxiety, depression, and past that has held them back and gone on to become empowered and create amazing fulfilling lives that they never thought possible.
Anxiety, Anxiety, Related Conditions, Emotional Pain Reduction, Burnout I help women who are feeling stuck, experiencing anxiety, and not able to move forward to release the negative emotions, shift their mindset, and move into the amazing vision that they created for themselves and maybe even no longer feel it's possible to accomplish.