Secrets, Lies, and Alibis Comedy Show is a rapidly growing monthly event in Chicago, IL, featured in the Red-Eye newspaper. This unique showcase presents the finest standup, sketch, and musical comedy performances in the city, with new sketches created each month based on anonymous secrets shared by the audience. The show is skillfully written and performed by Sarah Albritton, Amanda Lynn Deal, Elliot Lerner, and Alex Seligsohn, and takes place on the first Tuesday of every month at Elbo Room.
With a reputation for its innovative approach, Secrets, Lies, and Alibis Comedy Show captivates audiences with its hilarious and original content. The talented team behind the show crafts sketches inspired by secrets submitted by attendees, resulting in a truly one-of-a-kind experience. Whether you're a fan of standup, sketch, or musical comedy, this monthly event promises an unforgettable evening filled with laughter and entertainment.
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