The Paragon Agency, Publishers, based in Orange, California, is a renowned publisher specializing in American history books that offer unique perspectives and previously unpublished accounts of significant events. With over 135 books published since 1990, each volume presents a captivating narrative based on letters, diaries, memoirs, and interviews from individuals who experienced these historical moments firsthand. These books, accompanied by a wealth of photographs, provide readers with a fresh and immersive look into America's past, shedding light on mysteries, disasters, migrations, social issues, and wartime stories.
Through their commitment to uncovering hidden narratives, The Paragon Agency aims to challenge conventional historical interpretations, revealing lesser-known truths such as George Armstrong Custer's role as a pawn, Amelia Earhart's covert activities, and the economic motivations behind the American Civil War. Their publications not only offer readers a chance to explore America's history from a new perspective but also honor the individuals who lived through these events, making each book a valuable national treasure. With their dedication to historical accuracy and the inclusion of never-before-published photographs, The Paragon Agency's American history books provide a captivating and enlightening reading experience.
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