PRIDE Alternative School is a public school entity and a member of the AERO Special Education Cooperative in Burbank. The school is located in the same building with the Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 administrative office.
PRIDE stands for Personal Responsibility through Independence and Developmental Education. The school is set up to serve children ages 5-21 who, because of behavioral or emotional disorders, are not experiencing academic success at their home school.
Children received group and individualized academic instruction in small classrooms of ten students. Other components of the PRIDE program include behavioral management and individual, group and family therapy.
Programs are designed to reintegrate children back into their home schools. There is also a short-term program for children in behavioral or emotional crisis, where they can receive academic services in a therapeutic setting.
PRIDE Alternative School serves children throughout the AERO Special Education Cooperative's 12 member public school districts, including Ridgeland School District 122, Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 and Oak Lawn Community High School District 229. Transportation for students is provided by the school.