Preparing your home for bed bug treatments is top priority to swiftly get rid of the problem. Prep X started in 2010 to help people who could not or didn't know how to prepare their homes for bed bug treatments. We had moved forward to get our pest control license in order to offer a heat tent to treat your items that cannot be processed through laundry dryer methods. Our heat chamber will kill all life cycles of bed bugs.
Prep X is Chicago's premier Bed Bug Preparation service provider. We offer full services that range from full clean out to de-clutter, drying laundry to eliminate bed bugs, organizing your items on our racks/bins/rods so that you can live in your home while going through bed bug treatments. Install proper encasements and monitoring devices so that you can sleep comfortably while your conclude your treatments. We take pride and satisfaction by helping people reclaim their homes and buildings. Many companies expect people to throw away personal items but we understand it's not always the right choice to replace everything. Our Service Include: Bed Bug Preparation (as much or little as needed - no job too large) Clean Out Services Heat tent treatment Deep Cleaning