Founder Renee Dyson RN, started out in 2014 with just coaching classmates in the local community. Wanting to expand her student reach, she started a group on Facebook to help people in different states that was having the same problems she & her classmates were facing while in school. New Nurse University Inc (formerly known as perspective nursing) has exploded in growth since the official grand opening in November 2016. We have an exciting online presence of 6,700 Facebook study group members from all over the world globally, 2,100 likes on our community Facebook page and 1K followers on our Instagram platform. In 2017, we have developed more virtual & local workshops and put together coaching programs that are helping more RN/PN students get to the next level of their nursing school journey and we are super excited about what New Nurse University Inc. has in store for future students to come.
We coach students on how to use their resources correctly & study effectively with the information and resources they already have. We also specialize in the organization of study habits, while developing critical skills for the RN/PN student, graduate nurse & help transition new nurses. If you know someone struggling on a nursing journey /career send them our way!