I was only 16. I had read in a book called Acupuncture without needles by C.V. Cenery. Practiced on friends and family. My success then became my passion to help people in pain, especially headaches. In 1980 met a man 22yrs. old, sufferring from headache since past 6yrs. His intake of 20 pills/day was shocking, so he could stay functional in his daily life. Regular treatment of acupressure was given for a year & half. Number of pills were down to 1 tablet a day. This led me to hold workshops and seminars to talk about my then NEW found technique in India. I started to incorporate my knowledge of alternate healing & added to my students syllabus teaching relaxing facial and massage techniques with MindYoga. I came to USA in 1998 and soon was able to do the same but never charged for my services. Soon I realized people value my knowledge if I was certified and had a legal business! Got my Masters in Reflexology & Stress Mngmnt, Acu-Sujok, Aromatherapy, Life coaching & many more.
We specialize in Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Mind Yoga, Stress Management, Acu-Sujok and many other alternate and holistic approach and techniques. We also specialize in Henna (temporary tattoo), saree draping, hair-dos and make-up. Navrung Expressions has 35+ years of experience in Acupuncture without needles and has helped many with their chronic sciatica, migranes, cramps, and many more. The owner of the business holds masters certification in Reflexology and many more in Alternate healing techniques. We educate our customers for healthy and happy living.