Head Start was founded in the 1960's and came to McHenry county a few years later. The program serves 267 kids county-wide and 32 in the classroom at Three Oaks School in Cary. It is a two-year program, and is run by the Community Action Agency of McHenry County, for children aged three to five.
Head Start is a federally funded preschool program for low-income children. It aims to improve not just the educational well-being of a student, but the overall well-being of the entire family.
To be elligible for the program, families must meet an income elligibility. For example, the total income of a family of four cannot exceed $22,050 per year to be eligible. Once accepted, there is no charge for the program. The enrollment process begins in March. The goal, administrators said, is to provide a pre-school experience to families and children who otherwise would not be able to afford one.
Head Start also provides help to families in connecting with other social service programs, such as health or disability assistance.