I am second generation handyman, my father was a handyman, as a yang boy, I always like to use hand tools, my parents worried, I could hurt my self, which I did ones a while, things happen, so my father decided would be better if he takes me with him to job site, wasn't happening all the time, but it was enough for me to learn basics, here I am today, using all the tools I like, fixing broken things, building a wall, remodeling kitchens, adding shelfs, this is what I love to do.
Air conditioner installation, Cabinet refacing, Carpentry, Ceiling repair, Ceramic tile repair, Concrete work, Countertops, Curtain hanging, Decks, Door installation, Door repair, Dryer vent cleaning, Dryer vent installation, Drywall Installation, Drywall repair, Electrical wiring, Fan installation, Flooring Installation and Repair, Foundations, Framing, General Maintenance, Gutter Cleaning, Gutter Repair, Heating system tune-up, Home inspections, Insulation installation, Lamp repairs, Lockset adjustment, Molding installation, Moving, Paint removal, Patio stone installation, Plumbing repairs, Porches, Remodeling basements, Remodeling bathrooms, Remodeling kitchens, Roofing repair, Sealing driveways, Senior Living Modifications, Shelf installation, Shelving, Soundproofing, Sprinkler repair, Stain removal, Storage area construction, Storage area repair, Swapping a toilet, Tiling, Wall building, Window repair.