Dogs Run the Fox is dedicated to helping dogs lead happy healthy lives through exercise. We offer many traditional pet walking and daycare services, but healthy cardio workouts are where we really shine. Veterenarians recommend that dogs get between 15 and 60 minutes of cardio exercise twice a day, but many families have a hard time fitting that into their routine. Dogs Run the Fox is here to help! Each dog we work with has their own care plan, built from a combination of services to offer just what you and your pets need. Our service comes to you and we give our full attention to your furry family, something traditional daycare centers can't offer. Choose an amount of time per visit and a regularity that works for your schedule. We offer visit lengths in 15 minute increments starting at 15 minutes and going up to an hour. Book multiple visits a day for a weekend of pet sitting, schedule 15 minutes every day for a bathroom break and walk around the block, reserve one long run a month as a healthy treat for your best friend, or any combination that meets your needs. And you don't need to buy memberships or subscriptions; schedule what you need as you go.