The Bartitsu Club of Chicago is a premier destination for enthusiasts of the contemporary Bartitsu revival. Established in 2008, the club offers a range of classes and instruction in fencing, sabre play, la savate, boxing, and Bartitsu, the art of self-defense. With a focus on preserving historical techniques and promoting physical fitness, the Bartitsu Club provides a unique and engaging experience for both men and women.
Following a catastrophic technical failure in 2019, the club's website,, underwent a laborious recovery and reconstruction process. By January 2021, the majority of the archived posts and significant technical and historical articles were reconstituted at The Bartitsu Compendium, Volume III, published in December 2022, further preserves the research and knowledge presented by the club. With a dedication to authenticity and a commitment to the martial arts community, the Bartitsu Club of Chicago continues to be a leading authority in the field.
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