The late Tom Rosenow of DeKalb, Illinois opened the doors to American Realty in 1970. He was a real estate investor, developer, and contributed many successful plans and ideas to the city of DeKalb, including Northern Illinois University. Unfortunately, in 2002, Tom passed away. His son Brian Rosenow and daughter-in-law, Alison Rosenow, decided to follow in his footsteps and obtain the American Realty name. Currently, Alison Rosenow, is the Managing Broker of American Realty. Brian Rosenow is also a Managing Broker, operating under his own name, Brian T Rosenow, where he practices business law and commercial real estate on his own. For more information go to www.AmericanRealtyIL.com
American Realty is a commercial and residential real estate firm in DeKalb, Illinois. We represent buyers, sellers, and investors throughout Illinois. We can fulfill all your real estate needs including, property management. We offer the experience, education, and enthusiasm to help you reach your real estate goals. If you're looking to buy, sell, or lease real estate, contact us today!!