We have many privately owned Valley Isle Resort Vacation Rental Condos.
Our resort is in lovely Kahana, a part of Lahaina. Maui is the best island, and the West Coast of Maui is the best part of Maui. We are right in the middle of Maui's West Coast.
We have many amenities such as our heated pool and barbecue area.
When you contact an owner, know they own one or several of the condos in our resort and can refer you to other owners. Also, know that each condo is different and run differently. So make sure you get photo's of the condo you would like.
Also, occasionally this site says we do not have availability. More than likely we most certainly do have availability. Just Google "Valley Isle Resort" and you'll see many of us who have open condos and contact us individually. Valley Isle Resort is used by other companies to get your attention and then they send you to a different page saying we do not have openings.
Partial Data by Foursquare.