Rainbow, also known as Tamara Tavernier, is a talented artist based in Kailua Kona, Hawaii, whose vibrant and colorful creations are inspired by the enchanting energy of the islands and the wisdom of the ocean's beings. Her art, which includes paintings, sculptures, and digital designs, is a love letter to the majestic dolphins, symbolizing joy, freedom, and grace, and reflects the pure essence of Hawaii's soul.
Using the colors of the rainbow as her palette, Rainbow's artwork echoes the vivid hues of the Hawaiian landscape, vibrant marine life, and radiant sunsets over the Pacific. Whether you're looking to adorn your space with a piece of paradise or desire commissioned artwork, Rainbow invites you to join her in celebrating the art of living and painting the world with the colors of joy and freedom. Support local art and embrace the spirit of aloha with Rainbow's soulful creations.
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