Carolyn Stanton started teaching at her home in Manoa in 1998. Previous to that she taught at Yamaha Music School, Ellen Masaki School of Music, the University of Hawaii, and Kapiolani Community College. She also taught at Punahou Music School and retired last year after 19 years there. Over 40 years of experience in teaching have come to bear in starting this special school in Manoa Marketplace, designed to become a mecca for the arts in this area.
There are many practical benefits accruing from music instruction - at any age! These include development of muscular coordination, increased confidence, reasoning ability, and problem-solving. Daily practice develops discipline and the problems presented promote creativity in problem-solving. Studies have proven that, in children, science and math scores are vastly improved as well as school performance in general. A love for music nurtures the soul, mind and spirit through its marvelous ability to allow us to touch our inner feeling of