Began Garza Spinal Care Center, a private practice in November 1994
Wellness Care - Which utilizes Chiropractic and nutrition to affect the physical, spiritual, and emotional properties of healing from the inside out. Other techniques that Dr. Garza specializes in are: -TBM: Total Body Modification: Engaging certain pressure points in the body, the alignment of internal organs is able to be assessed and corrected to help the body run efficiently. Do you suffer from acid reflux? Ask about TBM at your consultation. -Neurological Relief Center Technique: This method of working with the nerves around the upper spine has become one of the most incredible healing discoveries in the field of chiropractics. -Nutrition Response Testing: This is a test that allows the body to communicate exactly what it needs in order to function at a more healthy level and also alerts you to some nutritional deficiencies that might even be having a negative impact in your daily life. We accept only Select ASH (American Specialty Health) HMSA and Kaiser plans as well as Personal Injury (Motor Vehicle Accidents).