E-Foil Hawaii was founded in December of 2019. Before the pandemic it had the usual exciting start that most first time business do! However, after our first week with the boards during our new employee training the state was shut down due to covid-19... The owner, a woman celebrity trainer, actually continued to train her clients online, and pay out of pocket, the salaries for her employee's to save the business! When no companies in the world where offer jobs she was hiring and training and taking care of health benefits! On October 15 E-Foil Hawaii was open for business as the state was just allowing the first visitors back after over a year of lockdowns. As a company we took on the full force of travel for almost six months as the only activity company available. All other companies where behind from Covid lockdowns and didn't even start inquiring about new employee's until the 15th. While we had retained our staff and where ready to rock!
E-Foil Hawaii is the first company in the world to rent Electric Foil Boards! Lessons and Rentals available daily from many locations on Maui, HI. The newest and most exhilarating vacation ocean experience on the planet. Great for everyone - from first timers to experts. Absolutely no need for any ocean experience. With E-Foil Hawaii you will master this new activity on your first time out! With the largest rental fleet in the world, you can share the experience of learning how to electric foil board with your friends and family at the same time. Excellent company to test and E-Foil Board with if you want to try it before you buy it! Call to book in advance to guarantee your spots!