Doctor420Hawaii (previously known as Effective Change) has been around for nearly two decades. The team has advocated for cannabis since 1999 when a bill proposing legalization made its way into the legislature. To take things further, Matthew Brittain, Effective Change's founder, became one of Hawai'i's leading medical cannabis advocates since helping found the business in Hilo in 2002. Effective Change took on the mantle of cannabis certification coordination in 2002 when one of the founding fathers of the Hawai'i cannabis program, Dr. Wenner, passed away. Matthew stepped in to provide continuity of care to many of his patients, teaming up with Dr. Chris Lawinski. Doctor420Hawaii has gradually expanded its services ever since, including O'ahu and Kaua'i in 2006, Moloka'i in 2007, and Maui in 2010. We have branched out to cover all main Hawaiian islands with protection from persecution and prosecution.
Doctor420Hawaii provides medical cannabis & marijuana certifications for qualifying patients in Hawaii. We have assisted more than 4,000 patients to lawfully possess marijuana and cannabis products for medicinal use since 2003. Our office is located in Hilo on the Big Island, and we travel to O'ahu, Maui, Molokai, and Kauai to hold monthly clinics for our patients.