The PawStand is a unique pet boutique that provides a combination of retail and services not offered anywhere else in the state of Georgia. You will be taken back to simpler times with the down home feel of this establishment when you are personally greeted by the owners Donna Raney and Jennifer Andreae. The sliding barn doors accent the spacious, well ventilated self-serve dog spas. There is also a teacup spa dedicated to the little guys. Everything is provided for you to give your furry family members the positive spa experience they deserve! There is a vast array of natural pet foods, treats, vitamins, supplements, & accessories. The PawStand's canine rehabilitation and fitness center is equipped with a state of the art AquaPAWS Plus underwater treadmill system & is operated by a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Therapist. This is a one of a kind family field trip that celebrates the love and passion that we have for our pets.