Synthesis Medical Acupuncture, led by Dr. Rick Agel, is a dedicated and results-oriented healthcare practice in Atlanta, GA. Driven by a commitment to staying at the forefront of complementary and traditional medicine, Dr. Agel engages in open dialogue with patients, educating them to ensure a return on their investment in their own health. With a focus on nurturing and promoting spiritual well-being, Synthesis Medical Acupuncture integrates various ideas and concepts to enhance mind, body, and spirit health.
Offering a range of services including traditional non-needle acupuncture, non-surgical face lifts, brain chemistry optimization programs, personal health coaching, and more, Synthesis Medical Acupuncture aims to optimize overall wellness. With a holistic approach that includes hormonal nutrient screening, supplements, meditation practices, qigong instruction, postural alignment, and body tension release techniques, this practice is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for individuals seeking to improve their health and well-being.
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