Stephenson Chiropractic has been in Columbus, Ga. for the past 34 years. Dr. Stephenson did his undergraduate studies at Columbus State University and received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree at Life Chiropractic College. He has post-grad studies in Orthopedics, Neurology, Motion Palpation, Gonstead technique, and extremity diagnostics and manipulation. He has a Pediatric certification and treats scores of children. He presently runs a small practice and thus can take the time he needs with each patient to do what is necessary.
Stephenson Chiropractic specializes in finding the exact root of your pain. This typically stems from the spine but some patients' problems come from the ankle, knee or another of your extremity joints, which can cause a cascade of malfunction. In other words, your problem could be a misalignment in the body, (ankle, knee, shoulder, etc.) causing compensation in the lower back or neck, where your pain may be residing. Every case has a specific cause or problem, and every case is different. We'll find the cause of your problem and correct it!