Southern Construction Consulting and Services, Inc., was founded in 2008 in order to meet the growing market demands of professional single and multifamily home builders in need of a residential building consultant to provide experienced third-party quality assurance inspections, consulting, and quantitative evaluations and analysis. Working with builders, we consistently strive to assist them to build a better quality home by providing ICC code compliant QI inspections, DET certified duct leakage and building envelope testing, as well as HERS rating and radon testing with mitigation. Southern Construction Consulting and Services can also provide home inspection rebuttals and expert witness testimony. In 2015, we expanded these services for remodelers and homeowners so quality would be present for everyone engaged in building or remodeling.
Homeowner Services: Radon Testing and Reduction Plan review (New home or remodeling) Construction Consultation (New home or remodeling) ICC Code Compliant QI Inspections (Single and Multi- family) HERS Rating (Approved with GA Power and Jackson EMC) DET Certified Duct Leakage and Building Envelope Testing Energy Code Inspections (Pre-insulation, thermal by-pass checklist) Radon Testing and Reduction Soil Erosion Inspection Water Intrusion Prevention Home Inspection Response or Rebuttal Expert Witness with Legal Issues