If you are having trouble getting financing due to age restrictions from lenders, the trucking industry, or due to credit, I encourage you to shoot me an email as we'd love to work with you! We specialize in : -Trucking - Startups - Bad Credit - Private Party Sales - Older Equipment We were able to fund the purchase of a $55k 2014 Volvo VNL to a 1yr old startup trucking company. We were able to leverage the owner's good credit to overcome startup status & sporadic bank statements to get this done at a 11% rate with only $5k down. Also, We were able to issue an approval for a 2019 International Lonestar for $215k. We utilized the customer's 9 years in business to overcome a previous BK 4years ago, and low bank balances. Customer just ordered the truck from the factory today at a 9% rate with only 10% down