Providing a mix of traditional and contemporary worship styles, this Presbyterian Church is located at the intersection of Zoar Church Road and Centerville Highway. Pastor John Byerly leads a multicultural congregation in lively worship services. A variety of yearly mission trips are offered for adults and children of the congregation.
The church offers open communion on the first Sunday of each month, and child care is provided for children ages infant to age 4. Hearing amplification is available for hearing-impaired congregants, and a separate children's church is offered for children from kindergarten through fifth grade. Music is an important part of the services, which incorporate both traditional hymns and modern worship songs.
Redeemer offers a variety of youth programs including: a children's ministry, Sunday school, young kid's and big kid's clubs, movie night, vacation bible school and summer camp. The Margin, a weekly program for teens featuring discussion of topical issues, worship, games, field trips and snacks. For adults, programs include: men's and women's bible study, women's book club, Sunday school, prayer circles, get fit club, hand bell and vocal choirs and a variety of opportunities for volunteers.