The Money Mizer story begins in 1980 when the Hunt brothers cornered the silver market and gold was selling at a premium of $900 per ounce. Robbie Whitten, current President and CEO of Money Mizer Franchises, and his father decided to start a business purchasing scrap gold. The father-son duo assembled seventeen teams to scour the US. The teams would rent rooms and advertise in local classified ads and periodicals weeks before their arrival in hopes of attracting potential customers. The first undertaking was a major success, as individuals from all walks of life lined up bringing their old class rings, broken or damaged necklaces, unused family jewelry, and various other items. One man even brought in a box full of gold teeth! As Robbie's ideas grew, so did the business and the need for additional space. The 1000 square foot rented space grew to 3000 square feet. Nestled between two communities, the shop was in a perfect location for Robbie's initial concept of a high-end pawn shop.
Money Mizer Pawns & Jewelers is a financial lender that provides short-term collateral loans on anything of value. Aside from our lending services we offer new and previously-owned retail products such as jewelry, electronics, lawn & garden, tools, sporting goods, defensive accessories, firearms, and much more at highly discounted prices. So before deciding to pay full retail at a common retail store, save yourself some money by stopping by Money Mizer Pawns & Jewelers and check out our discounted prices. Trying to get by until next payday? Don't fret, bring in your item of value and let us help you out today!