In the summer of 2000, an intimate and inspired group of friends began monthly pool parties in the Vinings area. Typically consisting of 12-14 regular couples, the parties grew to add 1 or 2 new couples each month. Quickly, we discovered chemistry was much more critical than the size of the crowd. However, as these parties rapidly expanded in popularity, we outgrew the original facilities and ventured to private event rooms. By 2002 we noticed an influx of upscale couples' parties popping up in Miami, New York, LA, Dallas, San Francisco and other metropolitan cities. After traveling to many of these parties (yes, research is grueling), we knew that Atlanta was full of equally beautiful, sexy people. Our clear choice was to unleash Luxuria to the club level. We are now averaging between 100 and 300 people per party and was voted Atlanta's Best Nightclub Event by Creative Loafing.
Atlanta's most provocative party ~ Exclusively for gorgeous women (& their fortunate dates) We are not a brick and mortar club. We host monthly parties throughout Atlanta in the hottest clubs, restaurants and hotel ballrooms. We are a private club. See website for membership requirements and requests. Single men are never admitted to Luxuria events.