Kids Got Talent is a renowned talent show in Duluth, GA that provides a platform for young aspiring singers, dancers, musicians, models, actors, and spoken word poets between the ages of 4 and 19 to showcase their talents. With the opportunity to perform in front of major record labels, A&Rs, choreographers, talent agencies, managers, and TV executives, this family-oriented event offers a safe and educational environment for participants to gain industry knowledge and connect with professionals in the entertainment industry.
Presented by Xtreme Talent School of Arts, Inc., Kids Got Talent not only offers a chance to break into the industry but also supports charitable organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club, Cure Childhood Cancer, The Sickle Cell Foundation, and Xtreme Talent School of Arts, Inc. Through this competition, participants have the chance to win over $5000 in cash and prizes, along with other amazing opportunities to further their careers.
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