Ichter Studios, located in Atlanta, GA, is the artistic haven of R. John Ichter, a renowned painter known for his vibrant and stylized landscapes in various mediums such as pastel on suede, acrylic on canvas, and reverse acrylic on plexiglass. With a career spanning almost four decades, Ichter's signature style combines intense competing colors to create a lush and idyllic natural world, transporting viewers to different places and evoking a sense of peace and beauty.
Ichter's artwork incorporates elements from his travels around the United States and the world, transforming them into visually striking pieces that captivate the eye. His romantic pastels, hand-rubbed onto textured black suede, are particularly notable, often depicting autumn and dusk scenes inspired by landscapes from various locations, including the French countryside, Normandy beaches, and North Carolina's Blue Ridge forest. Whether it's a sunrise, sunset, or moonlit night, Ichter's paintings invite viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature and return to his captivating works time and time again.
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