The Jones Center at Ichauway, located in Newton, GA, is a renowned research facility spanning 30,000 acres of diverse woods, water, and wildlife. With a focus on understanding, demonstrating, and promoting effective management of natural resources, the center conducts research on the ecology, restoration, and management of the rare and biologically diverse longleaf pine ecosystem, as well as the hydrology of the lower Flint River basin and the unique karst region of Southwest Georgia.
Through their conservation program, the center serves as a steward of the Ichauway land base, implementing sound resource management practices such as prescribed fire programs, conservation-based forest management, and restoration of the longleaf pine ecosystem. Their wildlife program encompasses game management for species like bobwhite quail and white-tailed deer, as well as the monitoring and conservation of endangered species like the red-cockaded woodpecker and gopher tortoise. The center also prioritizes education and outreach, sharing their research and conservation efforts with professionals, policymakers, landowners, and university students through field tours, workshops, and cooperative graduate education programs.
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