Changed names to Grell & Watson Patent Attorneys, LLC in 2016
Patent Attorney & Trademark Lawyer specializing in Intellectual Property Law, including Patent Search, Provisional Patent, Utility Patent, Trademark Search, Trademark Application, Copyright, Business Contracts, Inventor Entity Formation (LLC, S-Corp., C-Corp.), and Licensing. Patent Search: perform a patent search at the US Patent Office & prepare a written patentability opinion, read and analyze each patent and patent application located during the search, and draft a patentability opinion letter comparing the elements of your invention to the elements in each patent and patent application located during the search. Provisional Patent: is a temporary US patent application that last for a year, which does not mature into an issued US patent (not examined by the USPTO) unless further steps are taken by the applicant within twelve (12) months of filing the provisional application. Prepare the US Patent Office filing forms and efile your written description and figure(s) ROI, plus USPTO filing fee. We will draft an Abstract, Alternate Embodiment Clause, Broad Interpretation Clause & a First Patent Claim of your invention. Trademark Search: perform a trademark search at the US Patent Office & prepare a written trademarkability opinion, analyze each trademark and trademark application located during the search, and draft a trademarkability opinion letter comparing the elements of your brand to the elements in each trademark and trademark application located during the search.