Industrial and labor consulting services
Leadership IQ
Leadership IQ is a globally recognized leadership training and employee engagement survey firm founded by New York Times bestselling author Mark Murphy. With a reputation as one of the top 10 leadership training companies in the world, they have served prestigious organizations such as The United Nations, Harvard Business School, Microsoft, IBM, MasterCard, Merck, and many more. Their groundbreaking research has been featured in renowned publications like the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Forbes, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, U.S. News World Report, and the Washington Post, while Mark Murphy himself has been a featured guest on major news programs including CBS News Sunday Morning, ABC's 20/20, Fox Business News, CNN International, and NPR. Leadership IQ offers a comprehensive range of services, including custom online and onsite leadership training programs tailored to individual companies, keynote speeches, and assistance in developing a comprehensive leadership development strategy for all levels of leaders. They also provide an employee engagement survey that offers actionable insights for improvement, resulting in significant increases in engagement scores year after year. Additionally, Leadership IQ specializes in helping organizations build a complete Hiring For Attitude system, ensuring that all employees possess the effectiveness of the best performers. Their research on leadership training, employee engagement, and other related topics has provided valuable insights into areas such as leadership development, new hire success, goal-setting, resistance to change, remote work experiences, virtual training, and employee motivation.Generated from the website