The Emmett Till Legacy Foundation (ETLF) is a non-profit organization based in Stone Mountain, GA, dedicated to honoring the memory of Emmett Till and seeking justice for victims of racially-motivated violence during the civil rights era. Through their programs, ETLF aims to educate communities about this dark period in history, empower today's youth and families, and advocate for justice and policy reform. They strive to create a legacy of hope by turning tragedy into triumph and ensuring that the truth prevails.
ETLF's ongoing programs include the Power of History, which focuses on the Emmett Till case and the pursuit of truth and justice for him and other victims, as well as the Never Again Movement and Pledge, a global youth-led initiative that draws inspiration from past tragedies. Additionally, ETLF conducts the Just ice In Time Training Seminar, a national violence prevention training program that brings together young people, parents, community partners, and law enforcement to address the issue of violence. Through their work, ETLF aims to preserve and honor the legacy of Emmett Till and his mother, Mamie Till Mobley, while advocating for a more just and inclusive society.
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