East Acupuncture Clinic, led by highly trained and experienced practitioner Dr. Yong Q. Luo, offers holistic treatment using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicines to address various diseases and promote overall well-being. Dr. Luo's personalized approach considers individual factors such as body condition, lifestyle, and psychological factors, ensuring optimal results for each patient.
With over 30 years of practice, Dr. Luo has successfully helped patients with pain management, internal illnesses, rheumatism, psychological issues, infertility, women's health, cancer, smoking cessation, and weight loss. His comprehensive treatments extend beyond the clinic, as he provides guidance on functional exercises, psychological adjustment, self-massage, diet, and lifestyle changes to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment. Trust Dr. Luo and his Eastern Acupuncture Clinic to help you regain your health and lead a fulfilling life.
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