Our Pickens county office has been in Jasper for over 12 years. The practice has grown from a solo internist / single office to five providers and two locations. We are bringing comprehensive care for the whole family that truly connects north Georgia community with the latest medical advances! We are on active medical staff at Piedmont Mountainside hospital and Northside Cherokee Hospital We are currently located in Pickens county - Jasper and Cherokee county - Holly Springs and our new office in Canton. Please take a photo tour of each of our facility and get comfortable with the fact that the facility providing with all your medical need is the state of the art. It has to be up-to-date in order to represent the medical providers who are providing you with the latest evidence based medicine!
Our office was founded with the goal of bringing the latest evidence based medicine - delivered with the latest technology! From primary care to dermatology to cardiology,.. we provide a comprehensive array of services that serves to keep community healthy one patient at a time!