Dogs are my passion. I have worked with almost 3,000 dogs, one on one in client's homes. I can handle any dog, even aggressive dogs, usually in just a few minutes! I will teach you how to train and balance your dog. I will give you the intellectual tools to train your dog without the need for dozens of paid lessons and classes. You will not need shock collars, or clickers, millions of treats, choke collars or head halters to train your dog. No harsh treatment. I work with dogs at their instinctual level. This method can be very fast and it builds trust and respect without harsh treatment. I will work with you and your dog so that you can do it too. I will focus on what you want handled. I will help you to get your dog balanced and restore harmony to your home. You are going to be amazed when you find out how easily you can handle your issues. You will get fast results because what I teach you works. Most situations are handled in only 1 session with Free, lifetime support!
Any dog, any problem. Only 1 session in your home.