Non-denominational church
Anointed Ground Church
HistoryAnointed Ground Church was birthed November 10, 2002, through much prayer and trust in Almighty God! The vision had been plainly given, and Pastors Joseph and Patrice Reeves, began the journey with the vision and trust in God! During the early stages of Anointed Ground Church, God revealed our leaders a place for us to worship. When God provides He does all things well! We worshiped in a school cafeteria that was large enough, and provided all that we needed. For about eight years we worshiped, ministered, and continued to do the will of God. Even though we had to set-up every Friday for worship service on Sunday, the sacrifice and commitment and fellowship was worth it all. After service on Sundays we would all help as a congregation, to put everything back into place for the school day on Monday. God saw our faithfulness and commitment and blessed us at Anointed Ground Church with our new sanctuary.