TCM Acupuncture - Pinecrest is a leading acupuncture and Chinese medicine clinic located in Pinecrest, FL. With a team of highly experienced doctors specializing in various fields of Traditional Chinese Medicine, including gynecology, dermatology, pain management, and facial rejuvenation, they offer a wide range of services such as acupuncture, cupping, herbal medicine, and meditation. Their holistic approach aims to restore balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit, providing effective treatments for conditions like infertility, skin diseases, chronic illnesses, and pain management. Proudly serving the Miami area, TCM Acupuncture - Pinecrest is dedicated to helping patients achieve true health and wellness. With over 22 years of experience, Dr. Hong Chen, a certified TCM gynecologist and dermatologist, leads the team at TCM Acupuncture - Pinecrest. Her expertise in both Eastern and Western medicine allows her to effectively treat a variety of conditions, including infertility, hormonal imbalances, depression, migraines, and joint pain. Dr. Daiyi Tang, the chief editor of the International Journal of Clinic Acupuncture, is also part of the team, bringing his extensive knowledge and experience in acupuncture to provide top-quality care. Together, they offer advanced acupuncture treatments, facial rejuvenation, and a unique health plan called Acu Care Plan (ACP) to ensure continuous health benefits and wellness for their patients.
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