Saint Clare Sisters Retreat is a renowned organization that offers spiritual retreats and missions led by Sister Briege McKenna, O.S.C. With over 25 years of experience, Sister Briege has touched the lives of countless individuals worldwide, spreading hope and healing through her ministry. Through her powerful testimonies and insights on faith, the Eucharist, and prayer, Sister Briege guides participants towards a closer relationship with Jesus and a deeper understanding of his love and miraculous power.
From large-scale rallies in Latin America to intimate retreats in Korea, Sister Briege's impactful work has left a lasting impact on people from all walks of life. Her autobiography, "Miracles Do Happen," shares her personal encounter with God's healing power and serves as a testament to the importance of faith and prayer. Additionally, Saint Clare Sisters Retreat offers a range of resources, including books, audio recordings, and DVDs, to further inspire and guide individuals on their spiritual journey.
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