psychic soul readings, psychic readings, spiritual healing, holistic health coaching, spiritual advising dream interpretation, Life coaching, spiritual and holistic workshops. Soul Psychic Readings Combined with Spiritual Healing A psychic soul reading and Spiritual clearing/healing allows me to explore the many layers of you, while revealing untruths and distorted perceptions of how you see yourself and the world around you. These perceptions cause individuals to have poor life experiences. A soul reading will help you identify what unconscious and sabotaging habits, conditions, and reflexes are blocking happiness, health, wealth, and success from manifesting within your life. What The Service Offers: *Aromatherapy oils to stimulate the olfactory nervous system, trigging memories to release past trauma. *Angelic Tuners opens the third eye and connect ones subconscious mind to the spiritual and angelic realms. *Aura Tuners to Clear and Balance Chakras. Repairs Rips, holes, and Tears. Remove psychic hooks, attachments and raise energy vibration. *Weighted Tuners to release stagnant energy (know as stress) held within the body. *Hypnosis to clear sabotaging programs and reprogram the subconscious mind. This service is 90 minutes and cost $140.00