Owner Monica Duperon Rodriguez Progressive Investigations Research and Consulting Corporation (PIRCC) was established in Tampa Florida in June of 1994 by Brad Sparkman of Plant City. On October of 2013 the Private Investigation Agency changed the operation location and the corporate name. The name was changed to Progressive Investigations Research and Consulting Corporation and it was to more accurately reflect the products and services PIRCC offers private individuals, corporations and attorneys. The agency initially started out handling insurance fraud cases for the top 6 carriers in the State of Florida which included State Farm, Allstate, Nationwide, Geico, Progressive, and Farm Bureau. Additionally, PIRCC handled the corporate accounts for CSX railroads, Florida East coast railroads, Publix Corporation, Dillard's and Outback. During the recession of 2007, PIRCC began to diversify the line products to include criminal investigations and Risk Management products.
Criminal - Homicide investigations, Battery, Post Convictions, Case Review, Scene Photographs, Witness Statements, Witness/Defendant/Victim Location, Evidence Collection, Fraud, Embezzlement Civil Cases - Personal Injury, Business Non-Compete Agreement Violations, Domestic, Child Custody/ Child Support/ Alimony, Co-Habitation, Contempt of Court Surveillance, Breach of Contract investigation... Missing Persons - Missing persons is an epidemic. In the age of the internet with the predators luring away teens, supercomputers, connectivity, and CSI how can there be over 110,000 people whose locations are unknown in... Personal Protection (Security) - Executive and Dignitary Close Protection Agent Surveillance - Domestic, Custodial, and Corporate