The Equine Reproduction Center (ERC) conducts all aspects of assisted reproduction at its 91-acre facility in Summerfield, Florida. As part of the embryo transfer (ET) program the center maintains one of the largest recipient mare herds in the southeastern United States. Our experience, expertise and facilities allow us to offer many different options by which a breeder can participate in a successful ET program. We offer several options that cover every method that can be employed in ET. The Center is practicing cutting edge technology in equine embryo transfer, and now offers a frozen embryo transfer service. In March 2003 a foal was produced from a frozen embryo that had been implanted into a recipient mare. The entire process was performed at the Center by Peterson & Smith veterinarians and staff. This event marks the first successful birth of this kind in the Southeastern United States.
Peterson & Smith Equine Hospital opened its Equine Reproduction Center in 1999 providing all aspects of equine reproduction. The Equine Reproduction Center (ERC) conducts all aspects of assisted reproduction at its 100-acre facility in Summerfield, Florida. As part of the embryo transfer (ET) program the center maintains one of the largest recipient mare herds in the southeastern United States. Recipient Mare Herd Our Services Include: Mare and Stallion Management Diagnostic Reproduction Evaluations Stallion Breeding Soundness/Fertility Evaluations Semen Collection and Shipment USDA Approved Quarantine Facility for Semen Export Treatment of the Sub-Fertile Mare and Stallion Training Stallions to Collect or Breed Oocyte Transfer Fetal Sexing Frozen Semen Storage and Distribution Endoscopic Low Dose Insemination Embryo Vitrification