Peanut Island was originally created in 1918 as a result of material excavated when the Lake Worth Inlet was created. Originally called Inlet Island, Peanut Island amounted to only ten (10) acres. By 1923 the Port was using the island as a spoil site for the maintenance of the inlet and the Port shipping channel. The Port sold the northern half of the island in 1991 to the Florida Inland Navigation District as a spoil site for the Intracoastal Waterway maintenance dredging. Today, as a result of continued maintenance dredging of the inlet and the Intracoastal Waterway, Peanut Island comprises approximately eighty (80) acres. The primary use of the island will continue as a spoil site but the Port Authority and FIND have generously made the perimeter of the island available to the public as a park through a long-term arrangement with Palm Beach County. The name Peanut was given to the island when the State gave permission for use of the island as a terminal for shipping peanut oil.
This unique eighty acre tropical park is situated in the Intracoastal Waterway near the Lake Worth Inlet in close proximity to Phil Foster Park, the City of Riviera Beach, and the Port of Palm Beach. The park is a favorite destination for boaters and provides numerous recreational opportunities for visitors. Fishing and snorkeling are popular activities in the beautiful clear waters that surround the island. Guarded and Unguarded Swimming Beaches provide the perfect access for bathers of all ages to enjoy the sun and fun. For visitors looking for an overnight experience, a twenty-site Campground is available for tent campers by reservation, and reservations may be made up to 90 days before the desired reservation date.