We carry more than 70,000 square feet pavers in stock at all times in our storage facility, by far the highest in Central Florida. We have a one-of-a-kind 10,000 square foot outdoor showroom with nearly 100 different pavers installed as part of our display. We truly believe that touching and feeling your pavers before installation is far superior to choosing from a sample board. The owners of Pavers Depot are engineers. We are the only pavers company in central Florida with the engineering resources to ensure that your project is done precisely and accurately the first time. That way, you can rest assured that your pavers are installed perfectly and will stay that way for years to come. Unlike other hardware and landscaping companies, we pay our suppliers 100% upfront so they do not have a right to put a lien on our customers' property. Despite our great credit history, we do this to protect our customers. We are fully insured and bonded so you can rest assured that your assets will
Pavers Driveway Pavers Pool Deck Backyard Hardscape design Commercial Pavers Projects Driveway Pavers Pool Deck Pavers Drive way Pavers Orlando Pavers Pavers Orlando Pooldeck Pavers