The Orlando Urban Film Festival (OUFF) is a transformative and innovative film festival dedicated to nurturing and empowering emerging talents in the film industry. Through their Young Directors and Artists Program, OUFF provides comprehensive training, mentorship, and resources to aspiring directors and artists, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the competitive world of filmmaking. With the support of esteemed actors and directors, OUFF aims to foster creativity, diversity, and excellence within the world of urban filmmaking.
OUFF celebrates its 10th year anniversary by showcasing films and music videos from legendary musicians, filmmakers, directors, and screenwriters. With a new West Coast executive team and a Director of Development, Public Relations, and Content Creator, OUFF brings Hollywood expertise in film, acting, cinematography, music, and writing. The award ceremony takes place at the world-class Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center, representing the best engineering and design available to accommodate every style of performance on a world-class stage.
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