It wasn't long ago when the automotive industry discovered octane, a powerful and stable byproduct of crude oil. In its refined state, the additive increases stability and provides better engine combustion, which in turn, leads to higher performance. It wasn't long before octane became a regular ingredient in the production of gasoline and changed the automotive industry. In the business world, Octane does for marketing and communications engines what octane does for the internal combustion engine. By providing reliability under pressure and explosive performance with perfect timing, Octane increases the range and power of your marketing efforts. Like the fuel additive, we immerse ourselves in your Company's marketing and communication challenges. Sparked by collaboration and a fresh perspective, we create a plan designed to drive results. Add Octane to your mix and increase the performance of your sales and marketing efforts. We work across the entire spectrum of digital marketing and PR, with special emphasis on demand/lead generation, branding/identity creation, website development and operational communication effectiveness. That's all well and good for your external communications but what about your internal communications and processes? That's what makes Octane unique and holistic in their approach to marketing challenges. They believe in order, process and efficiency wrapped in results-oriented creativity...